Services, Repairs and Hive
Top questions
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- How can I book a gas boiler service?
- How much is a gas boiler service and how do I pay for this?
- Can you give me more information about my appointment?
- What are the 19 checks and tests involved in a gas boiler service?
- If I leave the key with a neighbour will the Bord Gáis Energy Service Engineer go into the house?
- What is your cancellation policy for online bookings?
- My gas boiler service is due soon, how do I book my service and ensure I remain in contract?
- When do additional service charges apply?
- What do I need to know on the day of the appointment?
- My gas boiler is not working what should I do?
- How will I know if my gas boiler is eligible for repair?
- How much is a gas boiler repair and how do I pay for this?
- I've bought a Gas Boiler Repair and 365 Care product, why am I being charged for parts?
- What if you can fix my gas boiler but the part is not covered under the product that I purchased?
- I can't see the pilot light in my gas boiler, what should I do?
- Can I cancel my gas boiler repair appointment?
- I have been advised to get a new gas boiler, will the callout charge of €99 still apply?
- How long does my 365 Boiler Care plan last for?
- When do additional charges apply?
- What is Local Heroes?
- What is included in the Gas Boiler Warranty and who is eligible?
- Who do I contact to have my boiler repaired or serviced?
- Can I check my warranty start and end date?
- How do I know if my boiler is covered by the Gas Boiler Warranty?
- How do I ensure my 10 Year Boiler Warranty remains active?
- How will I know when to get my boiler serviced?
- I didn’t get my boiler serviced, has my warranty been terminated?
- How do heat pumps work?
- How do I book a heat pump installation?
- How much does a heat pump installation cost?
- Will installing a heat pump reduce my energy bills?
- How do I book a heat pump service?
- What should I do if my heat pump is not working?
- How do I book a heat pump repair?
- Can I reschedule or cancel my heat pump appointment?
- Can heat pumps be turned off?
- What is a rooftop solar PV (photovoltaic) system?
- How much does solar PV installation cost?
- Can I sell back excess electricity to the grid?
- Can I apply for a solar electricity grant?
- Information about the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme 3 (TAMS 3)
- Information about the Bord Gáis Energy and IFA solar partnership
- Is there a financing option available to help pay for solar PV installations?