Why should I register for online account management?
Registering for online account management gives you control of your Bord Gáis Energy business account. Once registered, the following features are available to you 24/7:
- Viewing bills/invoices and transactions: Online account management allows you to view your bills online for up to two years. You can also download, save and print a PDF version of your bill. You can also view all transactions that have occurred since your last bill was issued.
- Paying bills: You can securely pay your bill online with a debit or credit card, at a time that is convenient to you. You can also set up scheduled payments.
- Direct debit: You can sign up for direct debit through your online account, and you can also update your direct debit details if needed.
- View the date of your next bill: Your online account provides you with an estimated date you can expect your next bill.
- Access all your accounts in one place: If you have a number of the same type of business accounts, you can access them in one place.
If you need assistance, or if you're a QH (Quarter Hourly) customer, please contact our Business Direct Team. Please ensure you have your account number, account name and GPRN/MPRN to hand.
You can find this information at the top of your bill.
If you already have an online account, sign in here.