Switch to a Better Way with Bord Gáis Energy

Health and finance are the public’s top resolutions for 2022
Denise Kenny reveals how to keep your energy focused to achieve your goals
Key findings
- 59% have set out resolutions for the year
- 86% say small switches to their daily routine can have a positive impact
- Improving health and finances are the most popular goals for 2022
- 40% want to be smarter with their spending
- 48% say the pandemic has lowered their resolve
- 56% say they lack motivation in the winter months
- Lack of focus and boredom are key reasons for not keeping resolutions
- 78% of people would switch energy providers in 2022 if there was a cheaper price
A new study by Bord Gáis Energy, the leading services and energy provider to homes and businesses, reveals that 59% of people have set out resolutions for the year with improving health and finances the most popular goals for 2022.
The research of 1,000 people reveals that two thirds of those polled resolve to be healthier this year, while 48% say they want to improve their finances. When it comes to being better with money, 40% say they simply want to be smarter with their spending while 30% have a particular savings goal in mind. A savvy 12% plan to switch and save on their utility bills by shopping around for the best deals.
The survey examining our goals and resolutions for the year was carried out to launch ‘Switch to a Better Way’, a new campaign by Bord Gáis Energy. The campaign is encouraging bill payers to switch and save today by availing of the best dual fuel and electricity offers as well as the best customer energy rewards on the market. With savings of up to €665* a year and a guaranteed price freeze for winter, there’s never been a better time to switch to Bord Gáis Energy.
Positive energy
While over half have made a resolution, it’s no surprise that keeping our energy focused on keeping it up can be tricky with lack of focus and boredom the top reasons for not sticking to resolutions. Over half (56%) say that they lack motivation in the winter months while 48% say the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has lowered their resolve.
However, 86% people acknowledge that small switches to a daily routine or lifestyle can have a positive impact.
Focus your energy
To help people stick to their goals this year, Bord Gáis Energy has teamed up with life and wellness coach and founder of the Head Plan Denise Kenny to share her top tips on how to make simple switches and keep your energy focused on your resolutions.
Speaking about resolutions, Denise said: “January brings a newfound motivation for many making it the perfect time to set out your goals for the year. We all know as the weeks go on and life takes over, many of us lose focus and motivation. What I always say to people is it doesn’t need to be January 1st to make a positive change and sometimes that positive change doesn’t need to be huge, it can be a simple small switch. Small switches add up to big changes and are often much easier to achieve than trying to do too much at once’’.
Denise’s top tips on how to switch to a better way:
- Identify the Switch
When I speak to people about making a switch to a better way, they often don’t realise all the small simple switches that are in front of them. Audit your current daily habits, for example how much time you’re spending on your phone, how you’re feeling generally day to day, and your spending habits.
- Be specific with your switch
Then it’s time to get specific. Start small but you can’t say something like I want to drink more water. You need to have a specific plan to work out exactly when and how you’re going to do that. For example, instead of just saying drink more water, say you’re going to have a one litre water bottle and filling it the night before so it’s ready to go.
- Make your switch about YOU
Much like goal setting you can’t make this about anyone else you need to make it about you. You are more likely to create a habit when it connects with our sense of identity and values.
- Switch today
Don’t wait for a Monday, the first day of the month – SWITCH TODAY. You deserve to feel the positive impact these small switches will have on your life so why wait? Motivation doesn’t always come like it does on Jan 1st but the willingness to change is there and that’s what you need to go with.
- Commit to your switch
You’ve more than likely heard before that it takes 21 days to create a habit, but some experts say that it can actually take between 66-254 days to create a habit. Commitment is what is needed because motivation will not always be there – focus on the feeling the switch brings and stay consistent.