How does the Night Storage Tariff work?

If you’ve a night storage meter, there are two different parts to your tariff.

Night storage heaters store energy by drawing in energy at night when electricity tends to be off-peak and cheaper. This heat is then released during the day to keep your house warm. Storage heaters are energy efficient as the electricity they use is converted into heat. 

If you have electricity night storage heating, you'll either be on our Urban 24-Hour Tariff or our Rural 24-Hour Tariff. There are two different parts to these tariffs.  

You'll pay our Urban 24-Hour or Rural 24-Hour Tariff, as well as the associated annual standing charge. In addition, you'll pay a different unit rate for your night storage heating usage (as measured through your separate night storage meter which tracks your night storage heating consumption). You'll also pay a second lower annual standing charge for your night storage heating.  

These charges are all clearly shown on your bill. To see your unit rate and standing charges, go to Our Tariffs Explained and select the tariff relevant to you.