How do I qualify and apply for a microgen payment?

You may qualify for a microgen payment if you fulfil the criteria listed below.

You may qualify for a microgen payment from Bord Gáis Energy if: 

  • You're an existing Bord Gáis Energy electricity customer, or you're signing up for an electricity or Dual Fuel plan with Bord Gáis Energy.  
  • You're exporting electricity to the grid and have sent an NC6 or equivalent form to ESB Networks to connect your microgenerator to the grid. If you're unsure about this, we can check this as your supplier, or you can contact ESB Networks to confirm. 
  • If you're eligible for a smart meter, you must have one installed to qualify for a payment*. If you don't have a smart meter, see I don't have a smart meter, can I still get a payment for exporting electricity? 
  • You'll also need to accept our microgen export plan terms and conditions to receive a payment

If you're eligible, you can sign up to our Microgen Export Plan via your online account by following the below steps: 

1. Sign in to your online account. If you don't have an online account, register here. 

2. Click on the grey banner below your account number 'You can sell your surplus energy' from your account list page: 

Sample image of list of accounts

 Or from your account dashboard: 

Sample image of account dashboard 

3. On the next page, click the 'Sign up' button: 

Sample image of microgen export plan page

4. Accept the terms and conditions and click 'Submit'. That's it, you're all set.  

Payment will be made every six months as a credit to your supply invoice. For more information on microgeneration and our rates, visit ourmicrogeneration page. 

*If you're eligible to upgrade to a smart meter and object to a smart meter installation by ESB Networks, you'll be ineligible for payment for your exported electricity. For more information, visit