Account Management
Top questions
Sub categories
- Where can I get information on Bord Gáis Energy Data Protection policies?
- Can I leave my fixed term contract early?
- How do I add another person to my account?
- How can I change the details on my bill or account?
- How can I check what price plan I am on?
- Will you contact me before my contract ends?
- What is my GPRN / MPRN and where do I find it?
- How can I view my contract end date?
- How do I register as a priority customer?
- I have hearing difficulties, what services are available to me ?
- I'm blind or partially sighted, how can I access my bill?
- What is a special services customer?
- How do I register for special services?
- What is a vulnerable customer?
- I have a Pay As You Go meter and am a vulnerable customer, can I change to a credit meter?
- Can I nominate a carer to manage my account?
- What is Fuel Allowance?
- What is a priority customer?