Billing and Payments
Top questions
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- I’m renting, but my name is not on the electricity account, will I still get the credit?
- I've switched supplier, will I receive the government credit?
- Will my direct debit be affected by the government credit?
- Are Pay As You Go customers eligible for the credit?
- Are gas customers eligible for the government credit?
- How will the government credit affect me if I pay by Level Pay?
- I've multiple electricity accounts; will I receive multiple credits?
- Who is eligible for the government electricity credit?
- Do I need to sign up or register for the electricity credit?
- When will I receive the government electricity credit?
- What is the government electricity credit?
- Why haven’t I received my bill?
- Why is my payment not reflected on my bill?
- My bill is higher than expected
- My smart bill explained
- Why is my bill estimated?
- Understanding your bill
- How do I use the spend estimation tool?
- How can I view and download my bills online?
- How do I check my balance?
- How often will I be billed?
- How will my natural gas allowance be reflected on my bill?
- My electricity bill explained
- My gas bill explained
- How do I find out when my next bill is due?
- Why is my 'Next Bill Between' date showing in the future but I have not received this month’s bill?
- What payment options are available?
- How do I set up a scheduled payment?
- Why has my Level Pay amount changed?
- How can I sign up for Level Pay?
- How do I change or update my direct debit?
- How do I set up a direct debit?
- What is Level Pay and how does it work?
- How does paperless billing work?
- Can I change my existing payment method?
- What happens if I miss a payment?
- How do I pay my bill online?
- Am I currently paying by Level Pay?